Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Reason Why Not

I have been thinking about reasoning a lot lately. Reasoning and the reasons why, we as people don't do certain things.

Hell, it's been a while since I've posted here, and I can give you a bunch of reasons, but the reality is I just didn't post, regardless of the "reason" it didn't get done. I can either chose to write on a daily basis or not. More than not I can find a reason not to. It's one of those things I can dismiss, even though I love to write and I'm passionate about it, it doesn't mean I always want to do it.

Now on the other hand, there are plenty of good reasons not to do something. When we are young, we are told not to touch the hot stove because it will burn us. But for some people, too many things become the hot stove and they don't touch anything for fear of getting burned.

We all know people who have the best intentions but no follow through. Usually they have a list of reasons why they cannot. And for every reason you list for why they can, they find more reasons why not.

I was talking to someone recently who has very clear visions of the things they want in life. But when I asked why this person was not actively pursuing those things, I was met with a slew of reasons why not. And granted, all the reasons sound and feel very valid. But the long and the short of it is that this person is not living in the present and is not truly participating in their life.

The key to it is not to have intention, but to move with real action. Move in a way that is taking you towards the things you want, not taking you in a circle.

You need to ask yourself, is this activity that I am concerning myself with really getting me closer to what I truly want or is it just keeping me busy until I can find enough courage to do what I really want?

And yes courage is part of it. Courage is required to face that which you are not sure of. If you wanna play it safe all the time more than likely you're not going to get want you really want.

This past summer I decided to go back to school to finish my degree. I have been talking about it for a long time, but was not being truly active in it. I had a lot of reasons why not for a long time, but then I ran out of reasons. Thank God. But I'm lucky in that sense, because some people never run out of reasons why not. Now I'm in school and I feel more free because I'm participating in my life. I'm doing something I wanted for so long and love it.

So what are your reasons why not? Is fear at the heart of them all? Do you surround yourself with others who keep feeding your reasons why not?

Yes you may fail, but then you can come at it in a different way. Then again, it may all be a wild success. However, every reason why not will continue to keep you from ever finding out.

So participate in your life. Get the reasons why not out of the way. I know it's hard to do it all at once, but the sooner you move the little reasons why not out of the way the sooner you can get to the big ones.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. So glad to read that you're on your way and acting on your lessons. For what it's worth, proud to know you and proud of you. This kind of thing has been on my mind for a bit as well and I'm taking action and risks like I haven't in quite awhile. Making progress because I'm telling the world that I'm ready to. It makes my "word" have true value to follow through on it. Not at a perfect place in that regard but have exciting opportunities coming from pushing through fear and apathy a well as recognizing the value of being accountable for what I promise and what I need to do to achieve those promises.

    Bravo Darcy. Look forward to hearing more as you achieve and grow in your goals. Or at least hear from others of your resounding success and the continued good that comes from your strength and follow through.

    Again, proud of you and grateful for you sharing.

