I have a Benadryl hangover this morning. Boooooo. It's that time of year when my allergies kick up and my head feels like it's in a vice grip and I need to take meds to help it. The only issue it that I am so sensitive to allergy meds, that I can only take the drowsy making kind right before bed. I slept well but woke up this morning set on slow motion. Ugh.
Not only do I need to write this morning, but I also need to pack for a trip I am not leaving on until Friday night. I'm going to a family friend's wedding and I am traveling separate from my folks. They leave tomorrow early in the morning and I am having them take my luggage ahead of me so I don't have to check a bag on the plane.
Trips have always been a weird thing for me. Although I enjoy seeing new places and spending time with my friends and family, there is always this sense of my life being put on hold while I am gone. Like my life at home doesn't exist while I'm away. It's a very Schrodinger of me. But of course I know that my life is not on hold because I'm not on hold and so on and so on.
This area of thought has kept me from going on trips in the past because I was worried I'd miss something back home. The bigger issue there is that I am missing out on a new experience and a new part of my life.
I still struggle with that concept sometimes.
I have friend who has a constant "to do" list and it keeps him from really enjoying life. People used to ask him all the time to go places and do things with them. But many times he would come back with the "to do" list followed up by promises of "next time." And when "next time" came so do the "to do" list. Over the years, people have stopped asking him to do things and have almost given up on him. It's not that they don't love him, it's just that the other people want to go out and experience and live. He has made his choices and to quote another friend, "Sometimes the choices we make, make others for us."
I still try and engage my fore mentioned friend, but I know that for the most part I too will be beat out by the "to do" list. That makes me sad not only for our friendship, but for him.
What comforts and routine are we choosing over real experience and action? What places should we be going other than home and to bed?
I'll be back on Monday. My life will be different, not because I stayed home but because I went.
And now John Denver....
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