Yesterday was my Sunday. What a full day it was.
I got up early and hit the driving range with my friend Danny. I am not the best golfer, but I'm trying to be a better one. We both hit a bucket of balls and worked on our swings.
After that, I hit Peet's coffee with my friend Jon and caught up with him and enjoyed iced coffee and a pretzel braid. (I'm kind of addicted to those things.)
After that, it was off to Pasadena to go hiking with my friend Michael to see a waterfall. Yes, Southern California has waterfalls. Awesome.
I finished off the day with Michael and his friend Deborah eating amazing food at La Grande Orange.
A full day. a full day that has made me very sore this morning.
But it was such a great day not because of what I did, but the people I was with.
I could have done all those things on my own, alone. I could have gone to the driving range, drank iced coffee, hiked and eaten all with just myself. And sometimes we need to do that. We all need alone time.
However, more than alone time we need community. We need people to share our experiences with and our growth with.
We are all growing and changing. Good community spurs that on. Whether it's through your church, a team you belong to, or just an amazing group of friends.
If it has been a while since you have really plugged into your community, maybe it's time to do so. I bet people miss you. They do.
Your community not only needs you for the part you play in it, but you need your community for the way it serves you. Community is where we foster those intentional relationships.
If you are not plugged in right now, because you don't like your community, find another one.
Although people don't like to admit it, we all outgrow certain people and places in our life. If you have outgrown your community, find one that better suits you. Find one where you can continue to grow and change.
I am so thankful for the people in my life. For the friends who want to share with me and who I can share with. They are so important to me. I really work to be intentional while growing and changing myself.
What are your thoughts on community? How can we better serve each other? How do you know if you have outgrown someone or someplace.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
Thanks again to Danny, Jon, Michael and Deborah for being part of my day. You all made it great.
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