Does she end up at a late night diner eating breakfast food at two in the morning? Does she sleep in and drag herself into a coffee shop wearing yesterdays clothes?
This girl goes to the LA Times Festival of Books to join other Nerdfighters in watching John Green of the Vlogbrothers ( speak on a panel about the new book he co-authored with David Levithan. ("Nick and Nora's Infinate Playlist" and "Boy Meets Boy" It's called "Will Grayson, Will Grayson."
I love literary talk as much as the next writer and reader, but I really went to sit in a room full of Nerdfighters to have John Green ask us to be part of a Vlogbrothers video and to talk about the book and to stand in line after the talk and take pictures of him and David signing and to have him sign my book. And those things all happened.
I got more surprises yesterday. I really had no idea who else would be signing or appearing yesterday. Even though the LATFOB posted all the appearances, I was truly only there to see John Green. So as I was wandering around, I happened upon John Carter Cash reading his book, "Daddy Loves his Little Girl," to an audience of parents and children. Then after he finished, he sang "Will the Circle Be Unbroken?"
I couldn't believe it. There was the one and only offspring of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash (He is indeed the only child they had together.) reading and singing one of his family songs as he called it.
The next surprise was that I happened upon Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson signing at the Giant Robot booth. They both do some of my favorite cartoons. I bought copies of their smaller books and they not only signed, but did small drawings for me as well. I was on the verge of exploding at this point.
It was just such a great day. I write all this not just to share with you but to encourage you as well. We all have things that we are nerdy and geeky about. Things that we cannot help but be excited about. One girl in particular reminded me of this yesterday.
When I was in line to get John and David to sign my book, I ran into this girl who recognized me from the panel when I had asked a question. She was probably about 16 years old and she was dressed like Spock, ears and all. She was so comfortable about her fandom. So comfortable about being herself. It was so great to see. I love the nerd and geek culture because of that.
I am a fan girl. I may contain it better than others at times, but I am a tride and true nerdy, geeky, fan girl. It's why I love conventions and concerts and anything where fans are involved. I love the places where you can let all your childlike excitement hang all over the place and drool all over the thing you love. I love people who are not afraid to share themselves and the things they love. It takes me back to being a little kid and trying to explain to my parents why the toy I wanted was so cool, why a show I was watching was so important.
We are told on a daily basis to stay cool. To keep it on the inside and to leave those types of things behind us. But we all have something we are nerdy about. We all have something we geek out about. Whether it is music or movies or comics or scooters or Star Trek. There is a nerdy, geek fan boy or girl that lives inside us all.
I wonder what would happen if we got more excited about things. I wonder what would happen if we could be more ourselves and let that type of excitement spill out into all aspects of our lives.
What are you the biggest fan of? What draws out your inner nerdy, geeky, fan boy or girl? Maybe it's not a thing or event. Maybe it's a person. Whatever it is, let the excitement runneth over!
I got one more surprise yesterday. I am also a big old coffee nerd. You got questions, I got answers. I'm drinking coffee right now as I write this. After the LATFOB, I picked up my friend Curby from the airport. He spent last week in Hawaii for work. He brought me a souvenir. Well done Curby. Well done.
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