Just got back from an amazing day out. I'll write more tomorrow as my brain is slowly leaving me due to an amazing workout and a belly full of food.
I do have enough brain power to put forth the next challenge in the Returning Dignity Project.
How many of you remember "Romper Room"? Well, at the end of the show, Miss Sally would always bring out Magic Mirror. It was mirror she used to see all the children at home who were watching and she would call out the children by name. You always hoped she would call out your name. "Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, have all my friends had fun at play?"
So this week we are all going to use the Magic Mirror.
I want you to learn someones name this week.
Where do you go on a daily or weekly basis? Who is that face behind the counter who is always helping you?
I want you to learn their name.
"But Darcy, I'm not very god with names. I know faces."
LEARN THEIR NAME. Even if it takes you a while. Do it. Even if you have to ask them their name four times this week. Do it.
How would you feel if someone you saw everyday, who you served in some way or another, didn't know your name and didn't truly acknowledge you? You might be sad or worse resentful.
So let's set about this with diligence. Let's make our everyday interactions less ordinary and more genuine.
Also, the project now has a Twitter feed. Follow it on Twitter @RetrningDignity.
Have a great night.
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